Category Archives: fused glass

Featured Artist–Sheri McDermott

When I think of Sheri, I think of gorgeous fused pieces.  I sure hope she sends me a picture or two of her work. (She did!) She does these amazing puzzle pieces.  I love getting her little bits and pieces for my PMC work.  Her beads are pretty darn good too!  It’s hard to believe she’s just been doing this for a year. Sheri is ‘iwantonetoo’ on LE.


1.  How did you get started in lampworking?  What was the thing that made you interested?

I began as a fuser, glass is an awesome medium. The fact that you can sculpt, and get more 3- dimensional pieces with a torch along with the kiln was pulling me in.

2.  How long have you been lampworking?

1 year

Is it a business for you or a hobby?


3.  What inspires you?

I see artwork, in all mediums, and then wonder if I could make it out of glass. Usually not, but I try to make things that might accent a piece I have seen, and can’t get out of my head.

How do you get the inspiration/motivation back when you are in a slump?

 Sadly, I wait. And wait….I still torch and fuse, and then a happy accident usually sends me off on another route.

4.  Who are your 3 favorite lampworkers? 

 That’s not a fair question. There are way more than 3!!  Brent Graber, AKA Mr. Smiley, is on my list. Most of them I know by their LE names. Mari Johnson from Blue Fire Beads in New Lennox IL, because I watch her during Open torch, and she is so comfortable at the torch. (although not physically comfortable)I’m hoping for a low ratio class with her one day soon!  I can only say one more? NO FAIR. Why? Brent, because of the colors he can coax out of the Boro. Mari, well, all you have to do is torch with her, and you’ll see what I mean. As for bead making Lampworkers, I think Sara Hornik is high on my list. Sislonski…there I go with the LE names. I could go on and on….FIG, Hagstrom, Sheila Morley…..


5.      What is the best thing about lampworking?

 Watching the glass flow into something other than it began.

The worst?

 When the mojo exits the building, and I still have plenty of time at the torch.

6.  What is the funniest or scariest thing that ever happened to you when you were torching?

Flying hot glass would answer both. I haven’t yet (knock on wood) had any major excitement yet. Just minor burns and I mixed boro and 104 once, but that odd sound was inside the kiln, so I didn’t witness that.

7.  What kind of set up do you use?

Torch? Mini CC with tanked oxy for boro, and an oxycon for soft glass

8.  What is your favorite glass?

 I like the soft glass for the vibrant colors, but the boro provides the ability to sculpt. They both have their strong points. I can’t choose one, that’s harder than 3 artists.

9.  What are your favorite color combinations?

 Vibrant bright colors, things you’d see in beach stores. Or, the simple black and white. You can NEVER go wrong with that.

10.  What is your favorite technique? 

Discs. It doesn’t take much to impress me.

What technique makes you want to bang your (or someone else’s) head against the wall?

Inside out beads. It sounds like an oxymoron doesn’t it? Makes ya feel like one too if you try the technique. One day soon though, it will click for me.

11.  Is there a shape that you really HATE to make?

 Boring round. I like more organic freeform shapes. I don’t like to make anything that I can duplicate exactly. Then it’s not art, and it becomes rather boring to me.

12.   Do you have a comfort bead?

Discs and brightly colored spacers.

13.    How do you see yourself developing as a lampworker in the future?

I don’t have any long term visions. There are a lot of things I’d like to learn to create, but at this point I am still learning so much.

What are your goals?

 To have other people like my work. It does a lot for the mojo when someone else says “Ooohhh, how’d ya make that?”

14.  What do you consider as successful? 

 Success is defined differently for everyone; it’s a tough word to define. For me it would be doing something I love, which includes being a good mom and wife, and living my life in a way that will make God proud. What is the key to getting there? The ability to accept what we cannot control.

15.    What would be your 3 best tips for new artists?

 Don’t put limitations on yourself. Practice techniques, ALOT. Be patient, and let your heart help you create.

16.    Do you like to take classes from other lampworkers?


17.   Do you teach?

I haven’t done any official teaching. I will teach classes, but I prefer to call them “workshops”. “Class” and “teacher” imply knowledge. 

Will you travel to teach? Sure

18.   What other creative outlets do you have?

 Mostly glass work, jewelry, and *whisper*….I like to shop


Yet Another….. Art Fair Invite

Tammy L Deck : ArtWear from Westmont, Illinois

Hats, Purses, Scarves, Shawls, Garments & Jewelery

Felting, Handweaving, Crochet, Knitting, Fused Glass & Lampwork Beads

Come See Me at my Art Fair this Weekend

 July 12th and 13th ~ Orland Park Crossing, 143rd and LaGrange Rd (rt 45), Orland Park


Tammy Deck / Westmont, IL


I am asking for your help, our readers, with this as well as asking the members of the Collective.  I have a glass interview that I pretty much like and would like to keep as it is.  But we now have people who do glass but they also do PMC, Felting, wirework, jewelry making too.  I’d like to interview some of those people as the thing that they most like doing.  I can’t imagine interviewing Tammy Deck about beads.  I want to hear everything she has to say about felting because she’s awesome at it.  So help my everyone who reads this please.  Tell me what you’d like to know from people during an interview.  It can be as mundane as the kind of tacos that make them want to felt a Mexican motif.  It can be as essoteric as the art they saw over the last three weeks that all congealed in their brains and now we are going to get …this.

Please let me know what you want to know.  No question is too silly, to invasive too anything.  That’s because I have the editorial approval for them.  LOL  So wanna ask ‘that’ question…we’ll see how it can be phrased to be worked in–or we won’t.  Just give me the question, OK? 

I’d like to do an interview a week with someone.  Doesn’t have to be just glass but it does have to be with us, with outside people, with people who do other things that fit in this groups things.  If YOU’d like to be considered as the Featured Artist, let me know.  Just keep the questions coming, please. And let us know your inspiration too.  You never know what that can start!



The “Missing Piece(s)”

Hi all, I’ve been fusing like crazy lately, and thought maybe I’d share some of my favorites with you. I have a series I call “The Missing Piece”. Here a some of my most recent “Pieces”.

This next one is larger, it will be framed as a finished piece.

Hope you all like them as much as I do. They are in my Etsy store.
