Category Archives: Bead and Button Show

Responsibility as Artists

I’ve been thinking long and hard lately about what I can do to help save out planet.  I want to save it for me, for the polar bears, for everyone who will come after me.  I’ve recycled for years but know that I have a lot more that I can do. 

My latest goal is to not use plastic bags and to seriously reduce the number of paper towels we use.  On the paper towel front, I got those car cleaning cloths at Costco and will give them to the cleaning lady (I have a bad back, OK?  LOL) so she can reduce her use of them.  I’m even getting Don into not using so many.

On the plastic bag front, I’ve got him using Frantz Art Glass carry bags at the Farmer’s Market.  I think he thinks the chicks will think he’s a glass blower or something.  Whatever…I think it makes him sexy to think about our environment.  My part is to always have a carry bag with me in my purse.  I also have bunches in my car.  If I forget my bag, then I have to carry whatever I buy.  I also try to get people thinking about using plastic bags. 

I LOVE the tshirt bags made by zJayne on etsy.  They’re well made.  They’re cute.  And they start conversations about recycling.  I’ve never had a store clerk not comment and they usually show the checkers on either side as well.  I’ve had them show the customers in line behind me too.  I’ve actually asked Jayne to send me some business cards so I can hand them out to promote her product.

We’re artists (or just chicks who like to make things) and we have a responsibility to this planet.  As we want to make it beautiful with our art, we also need to think about making it beautiful other ways.  I realize that you can’t hand out a zJayne carry bag with every purchase but can you do something that can be reused?  It would take no time at all to get some small kiddie tshirts at Target and make them into little carry bags for your things.  You can even print a little card to encourage people to reuse them.  Heck.  You might even start that as your next art business.  🙂

Just think about it.  Think about your shows and what happens to everything you hand out to people.  And think about what you can do to make it a little more planet friendly.  And even better, share it with us!

Bead and Button

I had originally planned on posting every night from B&B.  The internet connection at the Hyatt totally stinks so it’s been imporrible to do that.  I am keeping track of everything though and will post pictures when I get back home.  I’m having a great time and seeing lots of people that I know.  I LOVE this place.

More later…