Category Archives: Soldered

What does a lampworker do when they can’t lampwork?

For me, it’s “whatever’s quick”! But when the opportunity came up recently to support our local Arts Council, I jumped at the chance. The theme was loosely based around 5″x7″ (I tried putting that in quotes but it got confusing with the inch symbol!), and the only rule was that the artwork should be something that you don’t usually do. Well, I mainly usually make glass beads, though I’ve been known to try my hand at pretty much anything. I had recently started delving into the “altered widget” concept – “widget” being books, jewelry, altoid tins, or whatever else took my fancy. So, I took the 5″x7″ canvas that we were supplied with and set about altering it!

I love the whole twenties to forties look, and anything with wings is good, so I tore up some magazines, found some old photos, and came up with the following. Just for the record, it’s copper-taped and silver soldered around the edge, making it self-framed!
